COM309 Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments

Here you can find some of past student works. Click on each project image for description. And you can view more details from each project’s website.

2018 Spring

  • Space Exploration

    Our goal in designing this application was to create an interactive experience for our user to explore a new planet. Our theme is very earthy; green and brown, and we have lots of activities for our user to check out such as funky new plants and a boat ride. We really wanted to give the user an all-around area to explore, and the planet is lined with mountains. The environment allows the user to walk around and see the planet from different vantage points.

    Project Webpage

  • The Magic Library

    “The Magic Library” is a special location where the user can pick up a book and go to that specific world in the book. In the library, the user is able to walk around and turn on and off the lights. The purpose of this project is to be able to explore and learn more about the books based on the users ability to interact and adventure around the scenes.

    Project Webpage

  • MolSim

    The goal of the MolSim is to expose people to molecules and allow them to see molecular structures in great detail. To make the application as realistic as possible, we implemented a lab setting with a hallway, lab tables, and other correlating lab furniture.

    Project Webpage

  • A Haunting in New London Hall

    A Psychological Simulation That Enhances Scare Factor in its Users

    The goal of this project was to create an interactive environment where there would be a focus on auditory and visual stimulants to indict terror in the user. The environment is a horror scene filled with jump scares, sudden startling sounds and moving objects. We wanted to have an environment where not only the user interacted with their surroundings but a place where the surroundings and the objects in the environment also interacted with the user on its own. This is why there are a lot of characters, and moving objects that are set to move around and approach the user.

    Project Webpage

  • Dream House Interior Design

    Many people wait their whole lives for the opportunity to retire or live in their dream house, a house isolated from society, tucked away in a beautiful, natural setting where they can live life unbothered by the stresses that busy city or suburban life brings. Once they have this dream house, however, it is absolutely essential that they get the interior design of their house right, otherwise their perfect, idyllic location will be ruined. Our application helps people solve this problem.

    Project Webpage

2015 Fall

  • Myo Simulation: Land of the Warrior Penguin

    Our project revolved around the use of Myos and their viability in navigating 3D space. Our goal was to focus on testing the performance and efficiency of the Myo wristband, while also providing the user with a pleasing experience. Our project evolved from the penguin theme from the beginning of class. We decided to model the 3D world around NightSpade’s warrior penguin model. The user has the ability to navigate between 3 low-poly islands exhibited three different types of terrains. The user is faced with enemy penguins that have a simple AI that test the user’s ability to perform basic attacks and maneuverability with the Myo wristbands. The simulation also allows the user to enter “God Mode” by picking up a glowing snowball on top of the pyramid. God Mode permits the user to navigate the world from a top-down view and tests the Myos functionality at navigating a 2D plane.

    Project Webpage

  • The Mars Simulation Virtual Environment

    The goal of this project is to provide a virtual framework through which individuals can explore an environment that is very similar to Mars. It takes two hypothetical paths: one for research and one for actual human living possibility. The first deals with analysis of rock material on Mars to better understand the environment. The second pathway deals with plant analysis and plant growth on Mars. Although a scientific stretch, artificial environments can be created to allow for in vitro plant life. In the expansion of this project, we hope to have a system whereby the plant health can be monitored and watering of the plants will be possible.

    Project Webpage

  • Blueprint Tours

    Multidimensional spaces are commonly designed using two-dimensional floor plans. The traditional process of blueprinting has evolved, yet the tradition of flat representation of space during the design process remains. Because of this, when asked to understand or create a place, we must try our best to envision the spatial relations represented on the plans ­­ we can only imagine how we will experience it. Doesn’t it seem risky not to know how spaces will make us physically feel before we build them? That’s why we created “Blueprint Tours,” a virtual reality application that enables you to design in 2d and experience in 3d.

  • Virtual Dorm Designer

    Virtual Dorm Designer® helps you virtually design your dorm room. In this program, you can walk to your dorm, then to your room, and start designing your actual dorm room in a virtual environment, without all of the efforts of physically moving the furniture. VDD® is an immersive, virtual reality program that allows you to roam the virtual world of Connecticut College’s campus and design your room with the help of 3D glasses and PlayStation 3 Joystick controller for navigation. With this controller, you can choose different pieces of furniture from a drop-down menu, which then spawn directly in front of you. After the selected piece of furniture spawns, you can place it anywhere in your room that you like, and organize your college dorm room the way you want, as long as it all fits!

    Project Webpage

  • 3D Drawing in a Virtual Environment

    Our goal was to design a program that would enable the user to draw lines in a 3D virtual environment, thereby allowing them to physically draw out sketches that they might want to draw and look at them in 3D. We wanted the user to be able to navigate around the objects that they have created in order to look at them and be able to make adjustments where they see fit. The intent is not to draw out really intricate drawings with many small lines and shading, but rather to draw little line sketches that the user may have thought up in his or her mind and thought about what that would look like if it were in 3D.